About Me
Submitted by craig on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 12:49am.
I started woodworking back in 2000 when we purchased a century old house in Delta, Ohio. Having lived in apartments most of my life, I quickly learned how to do things like rough carpentry, dry wall, floors, ceilings and everything else that goes into remodeling a house. I started out with a table saw and miscellaneous hand tools, quickly expanding into routers and miter saws, and more recently a scroll saw, band saw, and midi-lathe. Most of the projects I have taken on are for my own personal use or gifts for friends and family. I have recently started taking commissions to turn custom pens and hope to build and maintain a small inventory I can post for sale.
Professionally, I have been working as a Systems and Network Administrator since 1994, starting right after I graduated with a Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering. Other hobbies include astronomy, kite design and construction, web design, reading, and travel.
My current workshop setup is a one car garage which never actually houses a car; there is for too much junk and tools in there for it to actually function as a garage. While this allows me to work on some materials like antler and acrylic without permeating the house with horrible odors, it also means I have at least three months out of the year which are too cold to get anything done. So please check back for new items and turnings, keeping in mind I will probably take a break from woodworking between December and February.

Professionally, I have been working as a Systems and Network Administrator since 1994, starting right after I graduated with a Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering. Other hobbies include astronomy, kite design and construction, web design, reading, and travel.
My current workshop setup is a one car garage which never actually houses a car; there is for too much junk and tools in there for it to actually function as a garage. While this allows me to work on some materials like antler and acrylic without permeating the house with horrible odors, it also means I have at least three months out of the year which are too cold to get anything done. So please check back for new items and turnings, keeping in mind I will probably take a break from woodworking between December and February.
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