Yo-Yo Mo-Fos
Submitted by craig on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 1:51am.
This was a very fun project I've been itching to work on for the past several weeks. I ordered the kits online and finally found some interesting wood to work with last week. Alas, after cutting the board down to size for the two halves, I opened my mandrel and kits to find I was missing the bushings to hold it to the mandrel, and it was a Saturday evening with no chance of getting the replacements for at least a few days. I finally received the bushings this week and had a chance to turn them down this evening after work. The wood is Bolivian Rosewood and the turning was very much unlike pens. I have some technique to learn for sure, and this is not without flaws, but it's shiny and runs pretty true.
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