Turnings for the week before Christmas
Submitted by craig on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 4:37am.
A fellow co-worker cleaned me out of my Corian pens, so I wanted to turn a few more to have on hand. I also turned a few bloodwood pens while I was at it. I figure I might as well get as much done in the garage as I possibly can while it's still tolerable. I think I need to get some electric socks...even with my winter boots on, my feet are the first part to get noticeably cold, reducing the amount of time I want to spend in the garage. I also suspect my pen turning time will be quickly eroded by the Solstice gift my sweetie got me: A Nintendo DS Lite (black)...yes, I see much gaming in my future :)
Anyhow, there are couple of bloodwood with chrome hardware, an Aqua Corian with chrome hardware, Midnight Corian with black Titanium, Cocoa Corian with Copper, and a Corina pen and "click" pencil with black enamel.
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