Turnings for November 21st
Submitted by craig on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 10:51pm.
Today is the first day of a six day weekend for me. The weather in Northwest Ohio was a bit damp, but certainly mild today. I took advantage of this by working out in the shop experimenting with a grab bag of Corian samples. A coworker has connections to a Corian rep who got me eight 4 x 4 inch squares to experiment with. I find Corian much more forgiving then acrylic. It takes heat from the tools and drill bits a whole lot better then most acrylics I work with. As long as I keep my tools sharp, it turns very nicely. The finishing process is identical to acrylic, using micro-mesh up to 12500 grit (wet sanding). Here are a few examples from left to right: A Platinum Atlas kit with Green Corian (this is actually two pieces glued for thickness, you simply cannot find the glue lines after a good sanding and polish), a chrome slim line, a black enamel slim line, and last an actual acrylic with Platinum European hardware. I also replaced the blade in my band saw this morning. It had the factory blade which had horrible drift. I upgraded to a nicer 1/2inch blade for straight cuts which is dead on accurate now. My segmented turnings are going to get a lot more intricate now!
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